{1}{1}25.000 {39}{158}Possessed by a ghost must have been so scary! {159}{273}Is it your fault? Is it because you're by her side? {274}{370}Ame! Ame! {427}{791}I was playing hide-and-seek, with my face pressed against the big tree. {792}{1152}As it started to rain, the sound of the cicada stopped, and I looked up at the sky. {1153}{1347}I know you're here, even if I can't hear your voice. {1348}{1700}I know you're here, even if I can't see you. I know it. {1710}{1885}When the rain stops, will I be able to see you? {1886}{2072}When this dream is over, will I be able to see you? {2073}{2473}Will you promise me that I'll be able to see you again, after the rain and this dream is over? {2474}{3000}Even if I were to die, I'll be waiting for you. {3018}{3280}With Ame after a Dream, Episode 8|English translation by awrittensin - ayupan@gmail.com|NOT FOR SALE OR RENT. {3281}{3379}Please hurry and tell me, why did Ame faint? {3380}{3516}I'm sorry, but I really can't discuss her condition with anyone but family. {3517}{3652}Her father is at work and can't be reached right now! That's why we're here! {3653}{3733}Is it life-threatening? {3734}{3772}Take-san! {3773}{3859}But he just said he can't discuss it with anyone but family!! {3860}{3896}Calm down, Take-chan!! {3897}{4156}Oh, I'm calm! You listen to me! I've known Ame since she was a little girl, and you're telling me you won't tell me anything? {4157}{4199}I understand! {4200}{4349}Sakurai Ame-san fainted from anemia. {4350}{4421}Anemia? {4690}{4758}What did he say? {4759}{4873}She just fainted from anemia, and there's no need to worry. {4896}{5078}I see. I'm sure she was really scared, being possessed by a ghost. {5079}{5195}I'm sorry. You got hurt too, Hokuto. {5196}{5297}Don't worry about me. {5298}{5452}From now on, I don't want you to make Ame lonely anymore. {5453}{5515}Got it. {5607}{5632}Is she okay? {5633}{5708}Her pulse is irregular. {6229}{6299}She's okay, it seems like she's stabilized. {6300}{6439}This has been happening a lot lately, huh. {6440}{6582}- I'll contact the doctor.|- Please do. {6833}{6901}Huh? {7029}{7096}You can see me, huh? {7097}{7156}You! {7157}{7295}Yes, I'm the same as you. {7413}{7461}Is that your wife? {7462}{7676}No, my girlfriend. She dumped me a year ago though. {7677}{7882}I was so upset I took a bunch of sleeping pills. {7883}{8021}What an idiot I was. {8057}{8184}Do you still love her? {8185}{8368}Yes, that's why I'm still by her side. {8401}{8544}She can't see me, though. {8956}{9006}Ame. {9007}{9082}Where am I? {9131}{9361}The hospital. You collapsed from anemia. You don't remember? {9401}{9527}Have you been by my side this whole time? {9882}{10165}Hey, Dad. Last night you left to chase after that girl, right? {10246}{10611}After that, Akiko-san came over, and she tried to open the door, but the chain was latched. {10643}{10779}Don't you think that's weird? {10792}{11219}Maybe the ghost did it. If it was chained I wouldn't have been able to get out, right? {11234}{11356}I guess you're right. {11458}{11526}Tomoharu, I came over! {11581}{11718}Come over here! {11771}{11876}Please take this. Thanks for your hard work. {11983}{12232}Be careful. If you keep staying here, Ame-chan will realize the doctor can't see you! {12808}{12874}Ah, Sakurai-san. {12966}{13020}Who was that? {13038}{13183}The realtor. I'm making some changes to my lease, so I had to file some paperwork. {13196}{13340}The realtor? I knew I'd seen him somewhere before. {13351}{13444}Well anyway, how's Ame? {13460}{13531}Take-san, not that one. {13532}{13601}Is this okay for Ame-chan's change of clothes? {13602}{13691}Hey, be careful with that! {13692}{13755}What are you doing? {13756}{13801}We're selling them. {13818}{13967}You're selling them? But they're treasures of yours, aren't they? {14001}{14108}I have to pay for Ame's hospital bills, though. {14273}{14430}Akiko-san, you seem to know a lot about ghosts. {14431}{14507}Yes, well... {14508}{14811}When Ame-chan collapsed, was it because of the ghost that possessed her? {14812}{15152}I'm not sure. It was the first time I saw a ghost enter a person's body. I don't really know a lot about it, so I couldn't tell you for sure. {15196}{15257}Who could that be? {15423}{15502}Who is it, Sakurai-san? {15527}{15584}It's Tsukie. {15598}{15677}I'll tell her you're out. {15855}{15907}Hayakawa-san? {15908}{15975}What are you doing, coming all the way here? {15976}{16038}I wanted to talk to Tomoharu. {16039}{16160}Tomoharu-kun doesn't want to talk to you. {16170}{16274}As always, you love butting in where you don't belong. {16275}{16359}That's not the case with me, Tomoharu-kun and Ame-chan. {16360}{16417}I didn't come here to fight with you. {16418}{16536}Fine, go home then. Don't ever come here again. {16537}{16662}Maria-san, it won't matter if you talk to him. {16663}{16737}The paperwork is already progressing, anyway. {16738}{16784}Paperwork? {16785}{17159}Tell Tomoharu I've decided to sue him for custody of Ame, and that an out of court settlement will save us both time and money. {17160}{17303}Because if it comes to me having to sue him, I'll definitely win. {17304}{17471}What are you going to do? If she decides to sue you, it'll cost lots of money! {17472}{17708}That's why we're discussing it. How much can we lend Tomoharu? {17709}{17847}Listen, Take-san. Even if you lent me money, I don't have the confidence that I'd be able to pay it back. {17874}{17941}Fine, then I'll just give it to you. {17942}{18055}1 million yen? Or 2 million yen? {18138}{18184}I'll go get it from the bank later. {18185}{18311}I'm grateful just for your feelings. {18312}{18404}What's Tomoharu-kun saying? {18458}{18655}Idiot. He's refusing the money. {18739}{18866}Tomoharu-kun, let us pay the hospital bill. {18867}{18977}In exchange, we won't bring flowers or candy to her. {18978}{19090}Our get-well gift to her will be paying her hospital bills. {19091}{19128}Kiriko-san. {19129}{19190}But I can't promise anything after that. {19191}{19318}Sell your bass if you have to. {19374}{19606}I want you to really think about what you can do for Ame-chan. {19607}{19757}She might be happy right now, but what about next year? {19758}{19905}Ame-chan will be in high school, which will cost even more money. {19906}{20156}So I think it would be better for her to live with Tsukie-chan. {20213}{20304}I have no intention of letting her have Ame-chan. {20305}{20570}I know how you feel. But she's Ame-chan's real mother! {20597}{20762}Give it some more thought, about what will make Ame-chan happy. {20773}{20887}Tomoharu-san's running late, huh? {20903}{20995}Maybe he's busy composing. {21008}{21141}Maybe. His latest song wasn't that good. {21142}{21206}His latest song? {21207}{21292}What, you mean you haven't heard it yet? {21293}{21430}The melody was really harsh, and the title was terrible! {21431}{21490}Tell us! {21491}{21564}You wanna hear? {21605}{21722}It's called "I don't want to die!" {21741}{21820}What a laugh, huh? {21845}{21904}Sakurai, are you okay? {21905}{21953}Sensei! {21954}{22017}I knew you'd be here! {22018}{22082}Who are you? {22083}{22176}This is Ame's childhood friend, Hayakawa Hokuto-san! {22177}{22269}He works at a club and he's soooooo nice and- {22270}{22320}Stop being so loud! {22341}{22392}He's my home room teacher. {22393}{22437}Ame, here's the notes. {22438}{22510}Thanks. {22525}{22563}Thanks. {22579}{22662}Sakurai, here's a get well gift! {22663}{22759}I bought it for myself, but I decided to give it to you instead. {22760}{22787}Are you sure it's okay? {22788}{22869}Yeah, I'll buy it again for myself later. {22932}{23094}Look inside. The CD jacket looks really good this time. {23371}{23523}Her physical examination came out fine. {23524}{23574}Really? {23615}{23703}That's great isn't it, Tomoharu? {23733}{23839}So what do you think caused Ame's anemia? {23840}{24109}Well, she's starting to eat more, so the only other thing I can think of is stress. {24110}{24223}During puberty, emotions tend to fluctuate greatly. {24224}{24400}However, in Ame-san's case, I think she's been under a serious level of stress for a long time now. {24401}{24512}Do you have any idea why that may be? {24513}{24589}Yes, we do. {25053}{25140}Rain... {25173}{25335}Fujiwara-sensei gave it to me. {25336}{25409}Oh, you're awake? {25444}{25681}Dad, have you talked to Maria-san since then? {25682}{25740}No. {25741}{25874}Let's go to see her next time together. {25925}{25981}Why? {25982}{26090}I haven't properly apologized yet. {26091}{26274}I want to tell her I can only be happy with you, Dad. {26384}{26587}Ame. You're such a good girl. {26588}{26682}You're getting to be more of an adult than I thought. {26683}{26779}You just now noticed it? {26946}{27059}Once you get discharged from the hospital, do you want to go somewhere? {27060}{27126}Where? {27165}{27339}Anywhere, as long as it's somewhere close. {27364}{27473}I want to go to an amusement park! {27474}{27616}An amusement park? Hey, I guess you're still a kid after all! {27617}{27703}Well you said somewhere close! {27704}{27802}I understand. Don't get mad. {28144}{28577}The soap bubbles fly up to the rooftop... {28667}{28945}Blown by the wind, they disappear. {28946}{29153}Wind, wind, please don't blow them away. {29154}{29348}The soap bubbles will fly away. {29416}{29616}Oh yeah. You can hear my voice. {29684}{29811}When she's sleeping, she looks just like a little girl. {29812}{29923}I suddenly remembered. {29924}{30119}In any case, she can't hear my voice at all. {30120}{30252}I hope she gets discharged soon. {30253}{30464}No, that won't happen. {30465}{30661}I've been slowly killing her for a year now. {30689}{30781}Don't you think it's obvious she should die? {30782}{30901}It's her fault I killed myself! {30902}{31020}Wait a second, what do you mean, killing her? {31021}{31174}What? You don't know? {31175}{31489}I'll tell you, then. After I died, another ghost told me never to touch a living person. {31490}{31672}When a ghost touches them, they steal their life force away. {31673}{31807}Steal... their life force? {31808}{31979}There's an old saying, right? About evil spirits who feed off humans by stealing their life force. {32050}{32281}The more you touch them, the weaker the person gets. {32351}{32465}What the hell are you thinking? {33068}{33218}My job here is done. {33219}{33415}If you want to take someone with you, do what I just did. {33416}{33546}Touch her head with your hands. {33547}{33702}It'll take some time, but she'll definitely die. {34231}{34448}However, in Ame-san's case, I think she's been under a serious level of stress for a long time now. {34508}{34741}This whole time... have I been stealing your life force away? {34882}{35093}Have I been feeding off of your life force? {36139}{36416}The one who made you like this... was me. {37064}{37170}Sakurai-san... {37359}{37505}Did something happen? {37669}{37770}Don't touch me! {37850}{38169}I can't believe it. It's the first I've heard of it. {38170}{38381}Right in front of my eyes, her heart stopped. {38382}{38599}She broke down, vomited blood... she was in such pain. {38600}{38882}I'm doing the same thing to Ame. {38974}{39046}I can't be with Ame anymore. {39047}{39100}I mustn't. {39110}{39187}But as long as you don't touch her, it's okay, right? {39188}{39394}How would I do that? If we're living together it would be impossible not to ever touch her! {39427}{39651}I'm sorry... if I would have known... {39652}{39738}I'm so sorry. {39768}{40032}Just being together at all could have been bad for Ame! {40078}{40506}I just should have disappeared in the first place, as soon as I knew I was dead. {40533}{40608}I wonder what Tomoharu-san's doing? {40609}{40687}I bet he's still sleeping. {40688}{40758}On the day you got discharged and everything! {40759}{40846}It's okay. It wasn't a big deal anyway. {40847}{41126}Ame-chan! I was just about to go to the hospital! Here, Sakurai-san gave it to me. {41367}{41782}"Dear Ame, I'm going to grandma's. Sorry for leaving without telling you. I'll be back soon, so don't worry." {42871}{42951}Tomoharu! {42952}{42993}Mom! {42994}{43141}What are you doing, coming all the way here without calling first? {43142}{43179}Are you alone? {43180}{43321}Where's Ame-chan? Where are your bags? {43322}{43424}I can't answer all those questions all at once! {43455}{43678}You must be tired from your trip. I'll make some tea. {43679}{43784}Mom, where's Dad? {43785}{43957}At work. You'll see him, won't you? {43967}{44010}Yeah. {44011}{44128}Come in, come in! {44202}{44273}What do you want to eat? {44274}{44400}It's been 15 years since you've had a home-cooked meal, I'll go all out! {44401}{44475}You don't need to make such a fuss! {44476}{44694}Dad's coming home for lunch, so make sure you greet him properly. {44743}{44848}What? Sorry, say it again. {44849}{44951}Nagano-ken, Chikumashi Owaza Kinoshita. {44952}{45264}Ah! Found it! Which means... right at that intersection. {45265}{45374}I knew it! {45461}{45512}Mom. {45513}{45567}Yeah? {45568}{45635}I need to talk to you about something. {45636}{45732}About what? {45789}{45910}Nevermind, I'll talk about it later. {45911}{46023}What are you talking about? {46024}{46139}If it's not a good story, I'll be mad! {46140}{46273}Try to be a bit more filial, okay? {46284}{46472}First, look into your father's eyes and apologize! {46473}{46554}I doubt Dad'll be able to see me. {46555}{46607}What did you say? {46608}{46672}Nothing. {46797}{47004}We took another wrong turn! {47168}{47261}Where are we now? {47262}{47547}Excuse me. Do you know the way to Sakurai Youhei's house? {47548}{47652}Who are you? {47653}{47777}I'm a friend of his son's. {47969}{48052}It's over there. Come on. {48053}{48143}Wait a second! {48411}{48466}Ame! {48467}{48505}Hokuto! {48506}{48551}Dad! {48552}{48596}What are you two doing? {48597}{48721}Dad! That was so mean, going off by yourself! {48722}{48788}Are you okay? {48789}{48934}Yeah, the doctor said I'm healthy now. {48935}{49020}Right, Ho-kun? {49021}{49117}It doesn't mean you're completely healed, you know. {49118}{49181}Ame-chan! {49182}{49281}Grandma! I came, just like I said I would! {49282}{49389}I didn't think you'd be here so soon! {49416}{49485}Oh, is this your boyfriend? {49486}{49552}No, no! {49553}{49626}Come in, come in! {49627}{49685}Grandpa will be home soon. {49686}{49771}I'll be right back. {49772}{49821}Where? {49822}{49918}Just... I'll be back in a bit. {50227}{50319}Welcome home, Dad! {50320}{50439}I knew it was Grandpa. {50816}{50961}Dad, here is Ame! {50962}{51083}Nice to meet you, Grandpa. I'm Ame. {51084}{51173}Come in, come in. {51317}{51506}How long do you plan on hanging around there? {51982}{52052}Dad, this is her boyfriend! {52053}{52150}No, he's not!! {52313}{52401}Thank you for the meal! {52414}{52458}I'll help. {52459}{52542}Ho-kun, let's help. {53030}{53417}Dad. I'm sorry for being selfish all the time. {53470}{53622}Tomoharu, didn't you have something you wanted to say? {53635}{53722}You said you'd say it later. {53723}{53830}It's not a big deal. {53858}{53916}Will you stay here tonight? {53917}{54042}I want to stay overnight! It's okay, right Dad? {54059}{54113}Yay! {54145}{54235}I'm going back to work. {54254}{54354}Grandpa, what are you growing now? {54355}{54443}Apples. {54444}{54538}Apples? Can I come see them later? {54539}{54553}Yeah. {54554}{54601}Thanks. {54620}{54688}Ame. {54728}{54774}It's just as I left it. {54775}{54831}Was this your room, Dad? {54832}{54896}Yeah. {54897}{55002}Whoa, you look so young! {55003}{55113}Ame, come here! {55114}{55163}What? {55315}{55434}Dad, were you a fan of hers? {55435}{55587}Yeah, I used to stare at that all the time. {55600}{55711}You've always loved butterflies, huh? {55731}{55844}Don't we have this book at home, too? Why do you have two? {55845}{56053}I ran away from home! I didn't have time to take it with me. {56054}{56177}I feel like this room is saying, "Welcome home." {56178}{56227}What? {56228}{56445}"I've been waiting for you, so welcome home!" {56803}{56966}Grandpa! Is this okay? {57029}{57148}Yeah, perfect! {57233}{57298}Is it about time to take a break? {57299}{57347}After I finish. {57348}{57439}Don't push yourself. {57440}{57489}I'm okay. {57526}{57822}About the body of a Japanese male being found in Taiwan... {57823}{58093}Taiwan, huh? Isn't that where Tomoharu-san went to catch butterflies? {58269}{58322}Are you okay, Ho-kun? {58323}{58371}Maybe. {58396}{58510}Grandpa, are you sure we're not bothering you? {58526}{58633}Well, this is the first time you've come, so I guess it can't be helped. {58634}{58786}So, in other words, we're bothering you. {58787}{58909}I thought so! {59062}{59135}How nostalgic! {59151}{59280}There are all these stars on it... {59281}{59339}It looks good on you. {59373}{59446}Ame-chan, that's enough, thanks. {59447}{59491}You're welcome. {59492}{59570}You never did that to me, Ame. {59571}{59677}You're still really young, Dad! {59689}{59742}Next is Grandpa's turn! {59743}{59859}Hey, I'm still young! {59968}{60050}So stiff! {60051}{60089}Shall I do it? {60090}{60132}No, I'm fine. {60165}{60235}He wants Ame-chan to do it. {60287}{60414}He's embarassed! {60443}{60602}Ho-kun, wake up! You'll catch cold if you sleep here! {60603}{60796}Ame, it's no use. Even if he fell down the stairs, he wouldn't wake up. {60797}{60974}He can just sleep here. His huge body can take it. {60986}{61079}What about you, Dad? Tired? {61108}{61170}Not yet, you can go ahead. {61171}{61240}Okay. Night, Grandma. {61241}{61277}Night. {61278}{61368}Goodnight, Grandpa. {61424}{61553}Must be great to be a kid! {62548}{62652}Can't sleep yet? {62653}{62786}I'll stay up a bit longer. {62818}{63076}Don't you have to get up early? Why don't you try to get some sleep? {63089}{63192}I can't, not yet. {63218}{63295}Why? {63531}{63653}You have something to tell me, don't you? {63654}{63952}It's really important, and that's why you came home. {64088}{64303}Without saying a word to anyone first. {64370}{64491}You're 31 years old, for goodness sake! {65071}{65354}Mom! Mom! Come over here! {65355}{65523}What's wrong, being so loud in the middle of the night? You'll wake him up! {65524}{65657}Hokuto's fine. Come sit over here. {65658}{65739}What? {65816}{65908}I want you to listen to what I have to say quietly. {65909}{66036}No matter how ridiculous you think it sounds, just hear me out until the end. {66037}{66122}Okay. {66155}{66376}I went to a small island in Taiwan called "Ransho" in April, to catch a butterfly. {66377}{66479}The butterfly's called "Troides magellanus." {66480}{66597}You're still doing that stuff? {66598}{66811}After being on the island for a week, I finally caught that butterfly. {66812}{67031}I was so excited, I slipped and fell in a huge hole. {67058}{67395}Even though I fell into that hole, when I came to, I was in our apartment in Tokyo. {67407}{67470}In other words... {67471}{67557}In other words? {67586}{67729}Have you two been watching the news lately? {67730}{67993}You know, that story about how they found the body of a Japanese male in Ransho? {68101}{68277}That's... me. {68278}{68413}It's my body. {68473}{68680}I left my body there, and returned to Japan. {68737}{69217}In other words, what you see before you now... is my ghost. {69378}{69624}Dad, Mom. I'm so sorry. {69625}{69766}After you brought me into this world... to die before you... {69767}{69859}I'm sorry! {69892}{70159}Don't say such ridiculous things when we're finally gathered here as a family! {70160}{70282}I'm sorry. {70442}{70838}Tomoharu! Does Ame.... {70839}{70966}She doesn't know. {70967}{71127}If I tell her, we won't be able to be together anymore. {71128}{71338}I couldn't leave Ame alone because I wanted to protect her. {71339}{71468}But... {71469}{71703}I'm going to have to disappear soon. {71714}{71923}Ghosts steal the life-force from living people. {71924}{72188}So we won't be able to be together anymore like we used to. {72189}{72591}I think Ame should decide by herself where she'll go once she's alone. {72592}{72948}But if she doesn't know, I want you to protect her in my place. {73060}{73796}Dad, you might think Ame is a complete stranger, but I think of Ame as my own daughter! So... {73797}{74262}That's enough. You're the best son in all of Japan! {74263}{74963}You did a great job of raising her. You brought her into our lives. You can be proud of that. {74964}{75002}Dad... {75003}{75352}Don't worry. We'll definitely protect her. {76502}{76585}Grandma, I'll come again soon, okay? {76586}{76736}You better hurry! Next year I might not be in this world any longer! {76737}{76863}Don't say such unlucky things! {76999}{77343}It's not for you. It's for my beloved granddaughter. {77716}{77820}Dad, what's wrong? {77841}{77901}Nothing. {77959}{78007}Bye, Grandpa! {78008}{78056}See you later! {78057}{78152}Be careful! {78804}{79004}Don't cry. It's just going to get harder from now on. {79005}{79192}Let's think about making Ame happy and cry about that! {79470}{79578}Good afternoon! {79601}{79736}You're Sakurai-san's daughter, right? {79801}{79914}Who are you? {79915}{80000}The realtor, right Dad? {80055}{80110}Are you okay? {80111}{80376}A new person is moving in next door, so it might be a little noisy for a while. Just wanted to let you know. {80386}{80482}I wonder if Akiko-san's moving... {80483}{80597}She said something before about making changes to her lease. {80598}{80656}Really? {80657}{80769}Welcome back! I'm glad you're home safe! {80770}{80820}Akiko-san! {80821}{80895}Akiko-san, are you moving? {80896}{80945}No. {80946}{81049}But they just said a new person is moving in next door. {81050}{81197}Oh! Yeah, my boyfriend's moving in. {81198}{81269}Boyfriend? {81270}{81345}That's the first time I've heard of him. {81346}{81521}Oh really? He's been working in New York for five years, but he's back now. {81522}{81572}Really? {81573}{81680}Really. {81706}{82715}With Ame after a Dream, Episode 8|English translation by awrittensin - ayupan@gmail.com|NOT FOR SALE OR RENT.